
2% of incoming fees is spent on various grassroots projects and social movements. Predominantly to initiatives that have something to do with intimacy, gender and sexuality. I also support organisations and movements that work on climate change, human rights, anti-racism, peace and sustainable agriculture. Below is an overview of the organisations and movements that will benefit from your contribution.


I offer a social fee for those who can’t afford my regular fees. A healthy and sustainable experience of intimacy is a human right. In the future I want to lower my social rate so that I can reach even more people. You are free to support me with a donation that I can then use to reach a more diverse group of people. Click below to donate directly through an online portal.


I see it as my duty as a citizen of the world to be critical and aware of my privileges as a white highly educated person passing as male in a rich country. That constant critical reflection on myself and on everything that goes on in society is therefore always present in my work. With this I want to work intersectionally and offer my intimacy work as inclusive as possible. I also remain aware of possible blind spots and am always open to your feedback.


I choose sustainability as much as possible. I purchase sustainable products that preferably last a long time and are ecologically responsible. I choose organic, seasonal and local products for myself but also as catering for my workshops. In my daily life and work I use the 'slow' principle. I eat 'slow' food, I travel 'slow' and avoid plane travel, I like to live and work 'slow' with enough space for free time. I bank 'slow', opting for a local and sustainable bank.

“When you reach out and touch other human beings, it doesn’t matter whether you call it therapy or teaching or poetry.”

Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde

Projects and Movements

  • Aditi vzw: Advice-information center that facilitates accessible sexual services for the elderly and people with disabilities.
  • Mamas for Africa: Supports Congolese women and girls in their fight against (sexual) violence and exploitation.
  • Utsopi: Supports and represents sex workers. They work for the decriminalization and recognition of sex work in Belgium.
  • Een Hart voor Vluchtelingen: offers a warm welcome to starters in need with primary care assistance. Think of a giveaway shop, reception, and programs providing practical support.
  • Gents MilieuFront: is a regional environmental organisation from Ghent that aims to support the environment and sustainable mobility through positive actions.
  • Merhaba: Unites and empowers LGBT+ people with a migrant background.
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