How do I work?
Each therapist or coach has his/her strengths and specific approach.
I work experientially, body-consciously, safely and without judgment. Together we achieve sustainable results.
your life experience and feelings are central. I draw from my own life story as a source of power to support you.
Durable Result
in a safe but effective way we dive together to the core of your search. Fast if possible, slow if needed. After an intake you will receive a clear and concrete proposal of approach.
Body Conscious
your body contains countless stories and memories, my specialty is to guide you to address the stories in your body and to use them as healing power for transformation.
I use strict conditions and clear boundaries in my therapeutic coaching, bodywork and workshops. That goes for both you and me.
Judgement Free
I do not judge taboo, guilt and shame but guide you in your search for your truth.
“During the intake interview, I was completely blown away by your conversation and listening techniques, how you fully understood my situation, could provide feedback and pinpoint where my patterns lie. I still didn’t get that result after 5 conversations with a psychologist!!”

What do I stand for?
I endorse the following core values and concepts and attach great importance to them in my coaching and group work:
Safety, Trust, Vulnerability, Gratitude, Solidarity, Sustainability, (Self) Care,
Consent, Equality, Self-reflection, Intersectionality, Empowerment