Via deze blog deel ik graag kennis en ervaringen met een verfrissende insteek rond diverse intimiteitsgerelateerde thema’s.
Lees, kijk, doe of luister en laat je inspireren!

Beyond Jealousy
Jealousy can cause a lot of damage in a relationship. It often touches upon our darker sides, the aspects of ourselves that we don’t want to acknowledge. We fear them. When we refuse to confront the truth about ourselves, something less pleasant emerges.

I don’t need
In sync with the people around me and close to me. In sync with time.
In sync with Mother Nature.
In sync with my own rhythm.

Do (not) touch me
But what if it gets dark before my eyes? when the sun stops shining? when I am near despair? if I don’t see it all anymore?

Are you that man?
Are you that man?
Then you are not alone. And no. It’s not just your fault that you think and act like this. But it is your responsibility to make something better of it together. And that responsibility starts with you. You stand in front of the mirror and look yourself in the eye.

Body Shaming: A Little Victim And Perpetrator In Each Of Us…
People, people and more people. They put it in your and my head that your feet, your face, your stomach or your ears are not beautiful enough. Not good enough. Not good enough to fit in. Or to be attractive.

Love knows 40 rules
Almost 10 years ago now, I read ‘The Forty Rules of Love’ by Elif Şafak for the first time. It planted dozens of seeds for some important encounters and transformations that would later unfold in my life. The book recently found its way back into my hands…